1834 Eagle Falls, Houston, TX 77077; Ph. 281-920-4578; E- mail: alexander_aynbinder@yahoo.com
Over 25 years of engineering experience in the design and construction of oil and gas pipelines and related facilities. Major discipline is complicated stress analyses. Development of the stress analyses software and design criteria for offshore and onshore pipelines. Experience includes the front-end and detailed design of pipelines that crosses bays, sea, continuous and discontinuous permafrost, and thawed muskeg type soils. Specific project assignments have included site visits, field data gathering, and field construction technical supervision.
· Waidiao – Cezi –Zhenhai Subses Project (Sinopec) – Responsible for the project engineering management services in the developing by Shengli Engineering and Construction Company of Reports, Specs, Procedures and Drawings.
· Hangzhou Bay Offshore Pipelines Crossings (China Petrochemical) – Responsible for the project engineering management services in the developing by AkerKvaerner Singapore of Reports, Specs and Drawings, including design and installation offshore pipelines (with spoiler) and HDD.
· Alaska Gas Producers Pipeline Project (BP, ExxonMobil and Phillip66) - Responsible for development of Pipeline Structural Design Criteria for 52 inches high-pressure (2500 psig) pipeline that crosses continuous and discontinuous permafrost, and thawed muskeg type soils. In addition to the requirements of US Code and Canadian Standard, the Criteria are included allowable combined (equivalent) stresses, allowable compressive and tensile strains for more critical combination of loads, including frost heave or thaw settlement, and criteria for local and longitudinal stability.
· Caspian Pipeline Tengiz - Novorossiysk (CPC) – Team member in development of Feasibility Study of Investment and Construction (TEOI & TEOC). Developed the design criteria for the pipeline, marine crossing, road and railroad crossings, pump stations, tank farms, and metering station. Responsibilities included Pipe Spec development, technical inspection of pipe mills, review of the construction specifications for compliance with the Russian Codes and Standards, and stress analyses of the entire pipeline and facilities. Assignment to Russia for supervision of the detailed design performed by Russian Design Company, and engineering assistance during construction of 40/42” diameter 750-km long oil pipeline to the Caspian Sea.
· Offshore Pipelines Research and Development Project (Flour Daniel Inc.)
- On-bottom stability (buoyancy control) of pipeline elastic sidebends. Developed the new calculation method for concrete thickness/weight of elastic sidebends sections of offshore pipeline. This method used the existing codes, and takes into consideration the friction force between the elastic sidebends and soil. Using the new method improved the stability and reliability of an offshore pipeline. (Offshore 7, 1998)
- Wall thickness of high pressure (up to 5500 psig) and high temperature (HP/HT) pipeline. Developed a precise numerical method to be used in determination of stresses and strains on HP/HT offshore pipeline. This method allows adjustments for the nonlinear property of pipe material. It also properly handles essential radial and hoop stresses using specific stress distributions across the pipe wall. An iterative computer program was developed. The beneficial effect of this new method is up to 15% reduction in piping material cost. (O&GJ 06-22-98)
- Effect of concrete coating on pipe collapse pressure. Developed a new numerical method for determining the stiffness of composite steel-concrete wall, as well as for calculation of stresses and pipe ovality resulting from external pressure. This solution builds on the classical theory of material strength, principles and methodology of existing codes, and adjusts for the nonlinear property of concrete. This new method allows a substantial increase in the allowable water depth, or a significant reduction in the steel thickness to withstand external pressure. (O&GJ 10-27-97)
· Corvina Offshore Project, Peru (PetroPeru) – Offshore pipeline and riser analyses including determination of pipe deflections, reaction forces on riser clamps, and pipeline operating stresses with consideration for environmental loads such as wave and current. Oversight and verification of engineering that included determination of pipe collapse and propagation buckling pressures on-bottom stability and riser spans based on vortex-excited oscillation criteria.
· Sakhalin II Project (Marathon/Shell) – Responsible for design of offshore and onshore pipelines in accordance with Russian and International Codes. Line pipe grade selection study for onshore and offshore pipelines to minimize the cost. Developed Line Pipe Specs for DSAW, ERW pipes in grade X70 for Arctic region, and seamless pipes in grade X42 through X65 for offshore pipelines. Team member in the conceptual design and development of pipelines construction plan.
· North Gubkinskiy Pipeline Project, Russia (Benton Oil & Gas) – A field construction engineer and a supervising design engineer for the design and construction of the North Gubkinsiy-Purpe pipeline system. Provided hydraulic calculations and developed the pressure and temperature profiles for a crude oil pipeline in seasonally frozen soil condition. Task included the detail design, material selection and specifications, and bid evaluations. The 10-inch buried pipeline system was subjected to thaw settlement and frost heave.
· Yamal‑Center Pipeline Project, (European Bank & Gasprom Co.) – Team member in the conceptual design of the Russian 56‑inch gas pipeline system to be constructed in continuous and discontinuous permafrost at operating temperatures above and below freezing. Development of the technical requirements and specification for API 5L X80 pipe for Arctic conditions.
· Kizomba (Angola) FPSO (ExxonMobil) – Stress, flexibility and support analysis of piping system with fatigue consideration using CAESAR II computer program. The loads combinations also include the sagging and structural deflection, and acceleration due to loading/unloading, wave motion, pitch, roll, and heave.
· PGT-PG&E Pipeline Expansion Project, Idaho and California – Project pipeline design and field engineer, with specialization in the mainline valve crossovers during operating and shutdown condition, for 845 miles of 42-inch and 36-inch pipelines. Other lead project engineering responsibilities included the designs of various pipeline crossings (including rivers, canals and levees) in the Sacramento Delta.
· Former USSR Pipelines - As lead technical expert provided technical and scientific assistance in the design and construction of the USSR's largest oil and gas pipelines as well as in the investigation of pipeline failure. Developed the stress analyses section in the Russian Pipeline Code, and Recommended Practices for design of transmission oil and gas pipelines. Developed the design criteria for pipelines, including some buried in permafrost and unstable ground, as Urengoy‑Novopskovsk, Upengoy‑Center, Yamburg ‑ West Europe, and Central Asia‑Ural. Consulting service to major FSU Design Institute (Tumen, Donetsk, Leningrad, Moscow, etc.)
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Central Research Institute of Civil Structures (CNIISK), Russia
MS., Industrial and Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering University (MICI), Moscow
2003 – Present Gulf Interstate Engineering, Houston
July 2003 – October 2003 Fluor Enterprises, Houston
2003 – July 2003 Gulf Interstate Engineering, Houston
1997 – 2002 Fluor Daniel Inc., Houston
1995 – 1997 Gulf Interstate Engineering, Houston
1994 – 1995 Ventech Engineers, Pasadena, TX
1990 – 1994 Gulf Interstate Engineering, Houston
1971 – 1990 Research Institute of Pipeline Construction (VNIIST), Moscow
Selected Publications:
“Changes Proposed for Determining Line Pipe Wall Thickness” Oil & Gas Journal, Feb. 21, 2005
“Method Calculates SIF for Branch Piping Connections” Oil & Gas Journal, Sept. 15, 2003
“Pipeline On-Bottom Stability: Design Features of Elastic Sidebends,” Offshore, July, 1998
“New Method Addresses W.T. in Offshore Pipeline Design,” Oil & Gas Journal, June 22, 1998
“New Method Determines Effect of Concrete Coating on Pipe-Collapse Pressure,” Oil & Gas Journal, Oct. 27, 1997
“Wall Thickness/Design Pressure Formulation: GIE Study, Superb Project and ASME Code Comparison,” Energy Week ‘97, Pipelines, Terminal, and Storage Conference, Houston, Texas
“International Pipeline Design Code Comparisons and the Trend Towards Limit State Design”, Energy Week ‘96, Pipelines, Terminal, and Storage Conference, Houston, Texas
"FSU Pipeline Design Code Compared to U.S. Codes," Oil & Gas Journal, March 7, 1994
“Strength and Stability Calculations of Transmission and Gathering Pipelines," Handbook. Russia, 1991.